Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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You only need an SEO service if you want to get more leads, sell more and be ahead of your competitors. The SEO tasks will help you to rank higher in the most popular search engines.

White hat SEO refers to the techniques and strategies that abide by the rules, guidelines and regulations of search engines. White hat practices focus is on the user rather than the search engines. It is a long term strategy that avoids the most common penalties handed out by search engines.

Black hat SEO refers to strategies and techniques that focus on gaming the search engine results by disobeying the rules, guidelines and regulations. These strategies aim to gain quick results and tend to run into penalties and losses in traffic.

Meta Keywords are an HTML element found in the head of a webpage and are used to indicate to search engines what the webpage is about. These are no longer a ranking factor for search engines and are largely ignored these days.

The title tag is an HTML element that usually found in the header of a webpage. This title describes what the page is about and it is displayed in the SERPs page and browser tab. The title tag is used regularly in SEO practices to target relevant keywords.

The meta description is an HTML element found in the header of a webpage, and it is used to give a brief description of what is in the document. The meta description is not an SEO factor, but it can entice users to click through to pages from the SERPs which positively impacts rankings.

Link building involves the efforts to increase the number of hyperlinks from other webpages to your website to boost its authority on the web. Each link is like a vote for your page and is a strong ranking factor for search engines.

An anchor text is the clickable portion of a sentence composed by one or more words in an HTML link. Anchor texts are fundamental for SEO, and they must be relevant to the linked page, giving the user and search engines an idea of what the linked page is about. Using keywords for anchor text benefits SEO because they increase the association between pages and keywords.

Google Penguin was first introduced in April 2012 and aimed to improve the search engine results by penalising websites that used unnatural links to the search engine algorithms and gain high visibility for competitive keywords.

Google Panda update first launched in February 2011, and its purpose was to improve Google’s search results by promoting websites with high-quality content and demote sites with low-quality content. It mainly affected content farms and aggregators.

Google Hummingbird was a complete revamp of the Google algorithm. Rather than focus on keywords, Hummingbird tried to focus on user intent to better understand what content the user tend to search for. Google understood semantic search better, and user engagement became more of a ranking factor.

On-page optimization is the process of wisely choosing keywords and synonyms into a web document. By doing this, you improve the relevancy and visibility of the document to keywords and phrases that have a high volume of searches.

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